Revolving Checkweighers for Cylindrical Products from OCS Checkweighers, Inc.


Two system solutions, one concept: The HC-IS (single track) and the HC-IS-D (double track) have an ingenious Revolving Weighing System. It facilitates optimal product handling for high, slim containers (e.g. aerosol cans, plastic and glass bottles, etc.) and ensures fast, precise in-line weight control.

The checkweigher is “employed” in the existing production line at any desired point. The very light, replaceable, two-part format star projects over the existing conveyor system. That means it takes care of sure disengagement, transport within the weigher and return to the production belt in a single work step. Misweighed products are automatically sorted out.

Menu-assisted operation of the checkweigher is carried out intuitively using the ultra-flat touch screen. The specially conceived intervention protection and integrated safety interlocks ensure a high degree of safety.